Our eLearning course for the food industry

Food safety is one of the most important tasks in the food industry today.

Manufacturing companies in the food industry are under constantly increasing pressure to meet the required quality standards. At the same time, consumer demands are increasing and the topics of food hygiene and food safety are becoming the focus of public interest.

This eLearning describes and explains the importance of compressed air preparation for the food production sector. The focus is on understanding the process chain with the individual procedures and the associated risks for the end product - the food.

A first introduction: What does compressed air actually mean for a tasty ice cream?

In this video you will learn about the significant influence compressed air has on the production, processing and safety of food. We take a closer look at the use of compressed air in ice cream production and explain what producers should consider in order to avoid contamination of compressed air and the end product. We present relevant guidelines and standards and show what damage can be caused to consumers and companies by contaminated compressed air.

Please note:
This video provides a first insight into our eLearning. Scroll down to register free of charge for the complete eLearning course. 

Included learning modules


  • Video: What is the practice about?
  • Compressed air is pressurized ambient air
  • Direct / indirect product contact

Risk analysis and management systems

  • DIN EN ISO 22000 - Food safety 
  • What does MOSH and MOAH mean?
  • HACCP, CCP, PRP and oPRP

Compressed air quality

  • Compressed air quality classes according to DIN 8573-1
  • Compressed air specifications of the manufacturers
  • Measurement technology
  • Checklist for manufacturers and authorized experts

Quiz in order to test your knowledge

Certificate of completion

Learning concept and free registration

Your benefits

  • Learning anywhere in the world, not restricted by time and setting.
  • Effective e-Learning arrangement with clear learning targets.
  • Interactive content with videos, real life examples in a gamified manner.
  • Learning segments can be divided individually. 
  • Total learning time is approx. 2-3 hours.
  • Compatible with any device and common browser.

How to register? 

  • The eLearning „Food & Beverage“ is usable free of charge via web browser.
  • Click on the green button and set up your account in our BEKO Academy.
  • Afterwards you will receive the activation and login data by e-mail.
  • Your access will be granted for 3 months. 

Account Registration

Attention, you will be redirected to an external page for registration!

This might also be of interest to you

With our knowledge and product portfolio, we can assist you to secure your compressed air quality and therefore prevent impairments with the product quality. Learn more about food safety, risk management, core food safety concepts and issues like HACCP, MOSH, MOAH.

Visit our topic page on applications of compressed air in the food industry

You would like to learn from the practice?

Read our application reports "Compressed air in the food industry" and find out how companies have implemented compressed air efficiently and safely in their production.

Application Reports

Compressed air in direct food contact at MEGGLE

Powdered lactose is pumped through pipes at Meggle AG using compressed air. The utilized conveying air has to be absolutely dry and oil-free in order to prevent clumping. This is guaranteed by EVERDRY adsorption dryers and activated carbon adsorbers from BEKO TECHNOLOGIES.


Oil-free compressed air at LAVAZZA

Two installed BEKOKAT from BEKO TECHNOLOGIES in Neuss guarantee LAVAZZA a constantly oil- and germ-free compressed air of the highest quality, which even exceeds the extremely strict requirements of ISO 8573-1, Class 1 oil content.

Compressed air for powdery raw materials

Approximately 150 tonnes of powdered raw materials for milk replacers must be transported daily from the tanker trucks in silos to Nukamel. As a transport medium low compressed air is utilized as conveying air. If it contains too much moisture, the clumping threatens.

Clean air in food processing

In order to meet the extremely high demands placed on compressed air in the food industry, Nölke in Versmold uses our METPOINT OCV to monitor its compressed air quality. At Nölke compressed air is used in the sausage production as control and conveying air.

Compressed air treatment in the beverage industry

Due to the extremely strict regulations in the food industry, RheinfelsQuelle H. Hövelmann GmbH & Co. KG uses BEKOKAT to produce absolutely oil-free compressed air, especially because the air as process air partly comes into direct food contact.