
Compressed air preparation ensures a clear view on coffee beans


If you are now wondering who needs them: coffee roasters!

Because if a roasting process takes too long, the taste and quality of the coffee bean suffers. Highly sensitive optical systems with special cameras provide a clear view during coffee roasting, observe and document the condition of the coffee beans and, in the system with sensors and an appropriate control system, guide us safely through the roasting process. All so that we can enjoy our cappuccino!

Such sensitive optical systems must not be affected by oil, dust, moisture or other contaminants. Manufacturers therefore use clean compressed air to "rinse" camera lenses and sensors. This so-called rinsing air must not only comply with certain quality classes to keep the optical systems clean, but also because it comes into contact with measuring systems and the coffee beans during the process.

The lenses of the systems used are flushed with compressed air to prevent the oily vapours produced during roasting from condensing on the lenses and settling. Smudged lenses pass on incomplete or incorrect images and reduce production reliability and product quality. The use in such a sensitive location therefore requires a compressed air quality according to class 1:4:1 as per ISO standard 8573-1, i.e. oil-free compressed air, which can be reliably and constantly achieved by appropriate treatment.

Oil-free compressed air is a must in many sensitive compressed air applications - but what does "oil-free" actually mean? On our oil-free website you can find out everything about the topic and how to achieve oil-free compressed air.

This way for more information about oil-free compressed air!