Catalytic converter technology for oil-free compressed air: BEKOKAT®

Highest process reliability through continuous process monitoring

Do you not want to make any compromises in your production with regard to compressed air quality? Do you want to make sure at all times that the compressed air complies with ISO class 1 or better, i.e. that it contains no oil or germs? Then the TÜV-certified and by neutral institutes validated catalytic converter BEKOKAT is an interesting solution.

ISO 8573-1 Class 1 or better

In highly sensitive applications, conventional compressed air preparation has technical and economic limits when it comes to particularly high requirements on the residual oil content of the compressed air. The catalytic converter BEKOKAT sets new standards in this respect by completely converting hydrocarbons into carbon dioxide and water through total oxidation on the catalyst. The process thus consistently produces oil-free compressed air with a maximum residual oil content of hardly measurable 0.003 milligrams per cubic meter. With this performance, the BEKOKAT units exceed the residual oil content of 0.01 mg/m³ specified in Class 1. In other words, a quality that is required in particularly demanding production processes, e.g. in the food, pharmaceutical, automotive and electronics industries.

Can be retrofitted in existing plants
The BEKOKAT unit is installed as a stand-alone solution behind the compressors or on the consumption point installed.

Function of BEKOKAT®

BEKOKAT makes achievable constantly oil-free compressed air with a maximum residual oil content of a barely measurable 0.001 mg/m³ of compressed air. A quality level which is required in particularly demanding production processes.

On our YouTube channel you will find more videos about our company, compressed air preparation and measuring technology.

BEKOKAT® – independent of ambient conditions

The intake air for compressed air generation is usually contaminated with hydrocarbons. Even with oil-free compressed air generation, a treatment solution is therefore required. The catalytic converter BEKOKAT reliably cleans the compressed air and thus constantly provides oil-free compressed air better than class 1 according to ISO 8573-1. The catalytic compressed air treatment breaks down all hydrocarbons in the compressed air into carbon dioxide and water. Due to process temperatures above 150°C, the escaping compressed air behind the BEKOKAT is free of germs, bacteria and viruses.

Independent of ambient temperature, air humidity and oil input concentration

Innovative technology with practical details

Certified safety for your processes through oil-free and germfree compressed air

The effectiveness of the catalytic converter BEKOKAT was certified by TÜV and validated by neutral institutes

The higher the demands on the quality of compressed air, the greater the demands for documentation. Quality management requires the use of specific devices and a corresponding independent verification. BEKO TECHNOLOGIES provides this verification by utilising elaborate tests from independent institutes, which confirm and certify the performance capability for the BEKOKAT . In association with TÜV Nord, the verification was provided under real operating conditions to confirm that compressed air treated with the BEKOKAT exceeds the specifications according to Class 1 of ISO 8573-1.

Download Certificate

In a second series of tests with the GfPS mbH (Society for Production Hygiene and Sterility Safeguarding), it was confirmed that contaminated compressed air is germ-free when treated with BEKOKAT . After treatment, no living bacteria could be detected at all in the compressed air flow anymore. In this way, test results from two renowned testing institutes independently prove the high effectiveness of the innovative catalytic converter technology. The two certificates provide you with the required safety in compressed air treatment for your sensitive processes.

Download Certificate

Safety and cost efficiency from the very beginning - for years

Safe partial load operation between 20 % - 100 %
The highly efficient air-to-air heat exchanger in BEKOKAT keeps the average power consumption at a very low level. Even in partial load operation of up to 20 %, the catalyst technology of the BEKOKAT unfolds its effectiveness without restrictions. The enormous service life of the special catalyst granulate is also extremely advantageous from an economic point of view.

Highest process reliability through continuous process monitoring
In addition to cost efficiency, a high degree of process reliability is also required. On the one hand, the intelligent control system monitors all relevant parameters of the plant. If, in the event of an accident, so much oil should enter that the compressed air can no longer be reliably treated, precision valves close and prevent any oil spillage.

Flexible installation in central processing or at the terminal
The BEKOKAT is extremely flexible in its installation. It can be installed centrally in the compressed air station and thus treat 100 % of the generated compressed air oil-free, or it can be installed in partial lines or in direct proximity to the compressed air consumer in order to treat directly only the compressed air flow that is required oil-free.

By connecting several BEKOKAT in parallel, high capacities can be achieved on the one hand, and on the other hand, by-pass circuits can be implemented, e.g. for maintenance purposes,to ensure a continuous supply of conditioned compressed air.

Compact, economical and reliable: BEKOKAT CC-018

With the BEKOKAT CC-018, the concept that has been proven for decades has now been implemented in a very compact design. This makes it possible to provide oil-free compressed air of Class 1 or better economically, even in the laboratory, directly at laser applications or for treating sensitive part air flow e.g. for breathing air supplies in painting cabins. The integrated control reliably ensures that the compressed air quality required is met at all times.


Technical Data BEKOKAT

BEKOKAT CC-018 iCC-060 iCC-120 iCC-180 iCC-360 iCC-720 iCC-1200
Volume flow rate* (m³/h) 18 60 120 180 360 720 1200
Max. operating pressure [g] 11 16 16 16 16 16 11
Power supply 230 V, 50 Hz, 1 Ph 230 VAC, 50 Hz, 1 Ph, PE 400 VAC, 50 Hz, 3 Ph, PE 400 VAC, 50 Hz, 3 Ph, PE 400 VAC, 50 Hz, 3 Ph, PE 400 VAC, 50 Hz, 3 Ph, PE 400 VAC, 50 Hz, 3 Ph, PE
Install. Performance (kW) 0.58 1 1.64 2.64 5.14 8.74 13.84
Average Performance (kW) 0.20 0.52 0.86 1.33 2.17 3.26 3.75
Connection R1 R1 R1 R1½ R2 R2½
Weight (kg) 61 140 175 200 325 530 742

Flexible use
The technical data are given for an operating pressure of 7 bar [g]. Pressures deviating from this are simply possible. We will be pleased to design a system individually for your application. Talk to us.

Economical operation
The installed power is mainly required in the heat-up phase after switching on the BEKOKAT. The BEKOKAT works economically and efficiently during operation due to the integrated heat exchanger with low energy consumption.

* By connecting several BEKOKAT systems in parallel, respective higher volume flows can be processed.

* Refer to downloads for additional performance data: Product Folder

Downloads BEKOKAT®

Catalytic Converter BEKOKAT
4 MB
Catalytic Converter BEKOKAT CC-018
2 MB

Applications with oil-free compressed air

Sichere ölfreie Druckluft für die Pharmaproduktion

Oil-free for pharmaceutical production

To be able to reliably guarantee the absence of oil in the generated compressed air, Nycomed in Singen relies on the BEKOKAT catalytic compressed-air processing from BEKO TECHNOLOGIES. Two systems, adjusted to the compressor performance for volume flows of 6 or 12 Nm³/h, are installed.

Druckluftaufbereitung in der Getränkeindustrie

Compressed air and beverages

Every hour, 150 cubic meters of purest mineral water are produced by the 14 wells of RheinfelsQuellen. Enough to fill 883 bathtubs every 60 minutes – or more than 207,000 bottles. The catalysis technology enables to feed the oil-free compressed system from five conventional screw compressors without any risk of oil contamination.


Compressed air in direct food contact at MEGGLE

Powdered lactose is pumped through pipes at Meggle AG using compressed air. The utilized conveying air has to be absolutely dry and oil-free in order to prevent clumping. This is guaranteed by EVERDRY adsorption dryers and activated carbon adsorbers from BEKO TECHNOLOGIES.

Oberflächenreinigung bei HELLA

Surface cleaning at HELLA

Blowing of high-performance electronics via pulsating rotary jets, and tracing of plastic housings with cleaning plasma jets: At the German automotive supplier Hella, compressed air takes over the central tasks in the surface cleaning of safety-relevant components. The most important requirement in this respect: the reliable, complete absence of oil.


Oil-free compressed air at LAVAZZA

Two installed BEKOKAT from BEKO TECHNOLOGIES in Neuss guarantee LAVAZZA a constantly oil- and germ-free compressed air of the highest quality, which even exceeds the extremely strict requirements of ISO 8573-1, Class 1 oil content.