CLEARPOINT® W water separator

Water condensates when compressed air cools down in after coolers of compressors or refrigeration dryers. Failure to discharge this water punctually from the compressed air system can result in expensive consequential damage: Pipework corrodes, pneumatic valves, cylinders and tools wear prematurely and the performance capability of the compressed air system is reduced. This results in a lack of process safety and increased costs for compressed air technology.

A water separator extracts the condensate particularly economically from the compressed air. Decisive hereby is the reduction of the flow resistance. What applies here is the lower the flow resistance, the lower the operating costs. The CLEARPOINT W water separator functions with an extremely low pressure difference and thereby achieves the highest separating rates.

Highest separating rates

An additional benefit is the intelligent housing design. The characteristics of the interior of the housing with the swirl disc developed by BEKO TECHNOLOGIES and the innovative rectifier enable the development of a homogeneous velocity profile with various through flow performance at maximum separation efficiency.

Due to the flow-optimised design, the CLEARPOINT® W water separator achieves an efficiency of up to 99% of free water over a wide performance range - for highest separating rate at the lowest cost.

Advantages of CLEARPOINT® W

Energy efficient
  • Flow-optimised design
  • Extremely low pressure difference
  • Effective corrosion protection
Process safety
  • Process-safe particle and condensate separation
  • Ideal combination with the BEKOMAT condensate drain off

Technical data of CLEARPOINT® W

  CLEARPOINT W (threaded version) CLEARPOINT W (flanged version)
Maximum operating pressure [g] up to 16 bar up to 16 bar
Maximum temperature 60° C 60° C
Volume flow rate at 7 bar [g] 46-3120 m³/h 1580-34680 m³/h
Differential pressure ø 0,06 ø 0,06
Capacity 0,25-19,51 l 12,5-650 l


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