Compressed air dryer: Process safety is the deciding factor

Moisture in the form of condensate in compressed air systems creates a permanent danger for operation processes. Our DRYPOINT and EVERDRY compressed air dryers provide you with considerably increased process safety and therefore significant advantages - and go even one step further: Due to their large energy-saving potential, you can also protect your financial resources and therefore utilise them more efficiently for your core business. An important criteria for the selection of a compressed air dryer is the desired degree of drying, the air volume flow rate and the quality class. There is therefore a differentiation between three compressed-air drying methods.


Different methods of compressed-air drying

Our comprehensive range of refrigeration, membrane and adsorption dryers optimally fulfils all requirements. We can therefore satisfy the requirements for a wide range of drying degrees and quality classes and achieve pressure dew points between +15 and -70 °C . In order to find the perfect solution for you, we also set the same high benchmarks for our consultation service as those for our products: sustainable, long-term, individual.

Adsorption dryer: For maximum flexibility

An adsorption dryer works according to the adsorption principle. The air is passed at intervals through a container filled with a desiccant. The desiccant is regenerated simultaneously in a second container. With DRYPOINT AC, we can provide refrigeration regenerating and, alternatively, heat-regenerating adsorption dryers with EVERDRY. Both series are suitable for complying with high quality requirements where very low pressure dew points must be achieved or with very high volume flow. This method for compressed-air drying can achieve pressure dew points down to -70°C.


Refrigeration dryer: the most economical drying method

Refrigeration dryers provide the most economical method for drying compressed air. Their basic principle is based on condensation via cooling. The DRYPOINT RA refrigeration dryers are equipped with a BEKOMAT condensate drain as standard and prevent costly compressed air losses. Compressed air refrigerated dryers are suitable for use in industry, craft trades and workshops. Pressure dew points are between +3 and + 10°C.


Membrane dryer: the versatile all-in-one solution

Membrane dryers execute the drying process via highly-selective membranes. The method is suitable for smaller volume flow rates and has a very wide range with the pressure dew points. No additional energy is required for the operation. They are very well suited for the laboratory sector or mobile, space-saving solutions. The range of pressure dew points ranges from -40 to + 15°C.


Applications of compressed air drying

Druckluft im direkten Lebensmittelkontakt

Compressed air in direct food contact

Large amounts of heat energy accumulate in hot-regenerating adsorption dryers, which use the compression heat (HOC) from compression for desorption of the desiccant. The Meggle Wasserburg GmbH & Co. KG dairy has illustrated how this can be meaningfully utilized for production processes in the foodstuff industry.

Pfropfenförderung für die Kalkproduktion

Grafting for lime production

Just imagine a kind of pneumatic tube in XXL size. In the H. Oetelshofen GmbH & Co. KG lime works, limestone powder is transported on the plug-conveying principle from the production sites to the storage silos. Compressed air serves as the transport medium and in this respect one thing is of utmost importance: it must be absolutely dry.

Compressed air preparation in crystal glass production

Heavenly brilliance and hellish fire It is rare that one can see both inter-twined as closely as in glass drawing, the mechanical production of high-quality table glass. Stölzle Lausitz GmbH from Weißwasser in Saxony is recognized as one of the leading glassworks in Germany. Dry compressed air is the most important energy element in their manufacturing processes.

Drucklufttrocknung in der Gipsaufbereitung

Compressed air drying in gypsum preparation

Humidity is the worst enemy of the 432 fabric filter hoses in fluidized-bed kiln 7 of Remondis Production GmbH at the Lippewerk factory in the Westphalian town of Lünen. It serves to calcinate gypsum which, by nature, is an extremely hydrophilic material. With a heat-regenerated adsorption dryer for the compressed cleaning air of the fabric filters, the disastrous bonding of water with gypsum dust in the filter cloth is now prevented. But before, a completely different solution was envisaged. Remondis

Druckluft als Transport- und Betriebsmedium

Compressed air as transport and operating medium

Sand is the worst enemy of any vehicle transmission. On the other hand, many automotive components such as trailing arms, chassis parts, bearings and transmission housings are literally made in sand, for instance through sand and other casting methods. Dry compressed air plays an important role in automotive production – be it as a reliable transport or as a process medium. Optimized and economical compressed air drying is therefore crucial. For instance, at the GF Automotive plant in Singen.