
Clean room
The production of medicinal products takes place partly in clean rooms, and some of the production steps there require compressed air. Compressed air can be used in all clean room classes. It can occur as an energy carrier in motors and pumps, for example. In these cases, the compressed air used does not come into contact with the product, but it must comply with the quality of the ambient air into which it is released. In other words: the compressed air should correspond at least to the air quality of the respective clean room class into which it is released. The requirements are worded in quite concrete terms in the “FDA Guidances for Industry: Sterile Drug Products Produced by Aseptic Processing — Current Good Manufacturing Practice”.
In the case of clean room applications, compressed air is used for drying the washed primary vessels, before filling with the product as well as for filling liquids in accordance with the blow-fill-seal method. It is important that no germs and particles are contained in the compressed air.